

                         " Remaining childish is a tremendous state of innocence "                                                                                   ...

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Love Bites

" Love isn't soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and wounds never close "                                                                                           ...

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* Laura *

                                          " Silence is also conversation "                                                                            ...

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Kristyna Wikifoo

Hi ! My name is Kristyna Wikifoo and I been in sl for nearly 10 years.  I am owner and designer at Go&See, it keeps me pretty busy, but photography is my hobby since the day one and it is why i decided to make this blog.  Not only to create looks and share it with everyone, but i want to try bring back the...

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About This Blog

Hello lovelies ! I wanted to start blog again for so long and never had the time to actually do it, but here it is! Finally :D There will be of course a lot more than just stuff about fashion and my new releases. I will try include contests and games. Who knows what alse will cross my mind So you better bookmark this...

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